1 (13 by 9-inch) Cake
1 Can (16 oz) Vanilla Frosting
Black Food Coloring
4 Pieces With Hard-Shelled Orbit Gum
7 Mentos
3 Brown, 2 Blue and 1 Red M&M's Minis
1 Marshmallow
1 Blue Licorice Twist (Twizzler Rainbow)
What You'll Need:
A serving Platter
A Bread Knife
A Small Knife
2 Resealable Sandwich-Size Plastic Bags (Ziploc)
Trimming The Cake:
1.) Trim the top of the cake to make level.
2.) Cut a 2-inch strip down one long edge of cake and discard.
3.) Round corners of cake with a small knife.
4.) Transfer cake, cut side down, on a serving platter.
Frosting The Cake:
1.) Add a small amount of black food coloring to 1/4 cup of the vanilla frosting to tint it gray.
2.) Spoon the gray frosting into a resealable bag.
3.) Tint 1 Tbsp of the vanilla frosting black with more food coloring.
4.) Spoon the black frosting into a resealable bag.
5.) Spread the remaining vanilla frosting on top and sides of cake and make smooth.
To Complete The Decoration:
1.) Snip a very small corner from the bag of gray frosting and the bag of black frosting.
2.) Pipe a thin line of the gray frosting about 1/2 inch in from outer edge of cake, as pictured.
3.) Press the M&M's Minis, Mentos and Orbit gum into the top of the cake as pictured for the controller's buttons.
4.) With the black frosting, pipe 6 rows of 3 black dots as pictured.
5.) Cut the blue licorice twist in half, leaving 2 inches at one end. Press the uncut end into the flat side of a marshmallow and press the licorice twist into the side base of cake.
6.) Press the cut ends of the licorice twist together to make the hand strap.