The two-year-old is currently at Children's Hospital after being transferred from the St. Bernard Health Clinic. She was listed as in serious condition as of 9 a.m. Tuesday said the Sheriff's office. As of Wednesday morning, the child is in intensive care at Children's Hospital in New Orleans for further observation.
The girl's mother 22-year old had several types of narcotic pills in her home: the painkiller Vicodin, the muscle-relaxer SOMA, and Suboxin, a drug used for treating heroin addiction. The Sheriff's office said no prescriptions were found for those drugs, which are often illegally distributed, in the home.
The two-year-old mother was arrested on a warrant issued by a judge charging her with improper supervision of a child and three counts of possession of prescription pills found in her home on Tuesday, according to police. She was arrested Wednesday and sent to jail.
The mother had dropped the two-year-old off at a day-care center earlier in the day, but counselors saw she was lethargic and seemed to be suffering from health problems. They called the mother but she was unable to pick the child up, so the grandmother arrived and brought her to the health center.
The mother was treated and released from University Hospital in New Orleans on July 20th after the agents found her in her home having a medical problem involving a possible drug overdose, said the Sheriff office.
Here is the picture of the mother. Boy, does she really look concern about her two-year-old.

I guess she couldn't pick up her child because she was too busy being "treating and released" at University for her own OVERDOSE. Explains the lack of irises in her eyes! Too bad she didn't OVERDOSE on ProActive Acne Solutions and Prell! First and foremost I pray that this child survives with no long term effects from this. As far as this so called mother is concerned, first someone needs to literally knock that useless expression off her face. I am very upset about this because this women lives in my community.