Today was not a good day for me and my family. I had to put my almost 4 year old Maltese to sleep today. We woke up to blood everywhere in my bathroom and in my hallway. My dog Miffy was bleeding. I sent the kids off to school and I called the vet. They told me to bring Miffy in as soon as possible. Me and my husband rushed to the vet and had them look at her. At first the doctor had asked me if Miffy ate rat poison. We said no. We don't even have rats and we started to think and think. But nothing ever came about it or if she had eaten anything that was poison. The vet did what they could do for her and sent us home with Miffy. Well, as the day went on Miffy got worse the bleeding stop some and she was getting weaker and weaker. I told my husband she is not getting better so we took her to the vet later that evening. There was nothing they could do to save her so we had to put her to sleep.
Me my husband and 3 kids were thier when we put her down to sleep. We all cried and cried but we didn't want Miffy to suffer anymore. We will miss you Miffy! We Love You! Mommy's Baby Girl Always and Forever! Here are some pictures of Miffy I would like to share with my fellow readers.