Hello! My Name Is... Paper Clip
And I want to shake hands with you and be your friend. I want to be a business man, a lover and a fighter... do gymnasyics, take a bath and even leave the toilet seat up...
Sorry... did I introduce myself? Hello! My name is... Paper Clip. And this could be my life. Oh! And the girl to the right isn't she HOT! SEXY! Shhh! I'm to shy to let her know I really think she is the one for me. What do you think?

Here Is Paper Clips Fighting.

Here is Paper clips teacher telling him to study more. Oh! Look what he made on his test paper.
Look at him now pretending to be Romeo. And yes that is Juliet praying.

Angry mother fussing at the child and why yes Paper Clip in the background laughing.

Paper Clip now grown up with his wife and new baby.


Paper Clip putting his wife to bed after a long night out.

How lovely to see Paper clips in their many forms and moods. It just goes to show that they are just like us really, and once liberated from their enslavement can lead rich and forfilling lives.